The blogosphere is alive with reports of the celebration of the Feast of Corpus Christi in Rome. New Liturgical Movement probably gives the best coverage but Fr Zuhlsdorf also covers it.
Most notable is to see everyone who receives Holy Communion from the Holy Father kneeling at a pre-dieu, and receiving on the tongue.
Of course, at every Mass there is the option for anyone to receive Holy Communion kneeling and provision should be made to make this possible. However, in practically every church in England, no provision is made for this. I notice that almost all priests stand on the floor of the nave rather than in the sanctuary to give Communion; thus denying the possibility of the faithful kneeling on the altar step. Most people who have passed middle age find difficulty kneeling on the floor (and getting up again) in any dignified manner. A pre-dieu (or better still an altar rail) would solve this problem.
Maybe, the example set by the Holy Father and by the congregants in Rome on the Feast of Corpus Christi, provides the opportunity to review the manner of the reception of Holy Communion in our parishes. Perhaps now would be a good time to request our parish priests to make provision for the faithful to receive body of Christ whilst kneeling.
Lent II
1 day ago