The Sunday Latin Masses in York, which in recent months have been twice a month, will for the forseeable future resume their former weekly pattern. This has been made possible with the help of Fr David Smith, who is currently stationed as an army chaplain in Harrogate.
The Mass is at 4pm each Sunday at the Church of the English Martyrs in Dalton Terrace, just off the Tadcaster Road. For those using satelite navigation, the postcode is YO24 4DA.
Fathers Stephen Maughan and James Callaghan will continue to be the celebrants on the second and fourth Sundays respectively; and Fr David Smith will be celebrating on the first, third and, when they occur, fifth Sundays.
What we need to do now is to rebuild the congregation. This should be easier, now that there is a Mass every Sunday. Please help to spread the word about these Masses.
Lent II
1 day ago