06 October 2012

Mgr Gordon Read becomes National Chaplain

The Latin Mass Society has appointed Mgr Gordon Read as its new national chaplain, following Fr Andrew Southwell's move to Rome.  Mgr Read is Chancellor and Judicial Vicar of the Brentwood Diocese, as well as a parish priest and local dean, so we must be grateful that he is willing to devote what little free time he has to the LMS.

Fr Southwell, who has been the national chaplain for a few years, has enrolled to study theology for two years in Rome.  His place at St Bede's in Clapham Park has been taken by Fr Leworthy, formerly with the FSSP in Reading.

It may be worth reminding readers that the LMS also has regional chaplains.  Our chaplain in the north of England is Fr Michael Brown of the Hexham and Newcastle Diocese, who also happens to be a Canon Lawyer.  He writes the blog Forest Murmers.

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