11 December 2012

The Guild of St Clare

I received an e-mail today from Lucy Shaw who runs the Guild of St Clare.  This is associated with the Latin Mass Society and is for people interested in using their needlework skills for the benefit of the traditional liturgies of the Catholic Church.  It is mostly concerned with the making and repair of vestments.  One of the first fruits of the guild was the banner that was carried at the pilgrimage in honour of St Margaret Clitherow at York earlier this year.

Lucy has recently been contacted by a lady living in the West Riding who is interested in joining a local branch of the Guild of St Clare.  At present, no such local branch exists, and Lucy was asking me if I could put her in touch with anyone who might be interested in starting a branch in the Yorkshire area.

I don't think that the Guild of St Clare limits its membership to ladies, so anyone interested in this type of work can contact me on paul@gooleboathouse.co.uk and I will pass the information on.

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