28 July 2024

Changes to Latin Masses in the Northern Part of the Diocese

The Latin Mass that has been offered at 3pm on Sundays at the church of St Andrew in Teesville is to be discontinued.  The last Mass was today, 28th July.  The reason is that Fr Sellers has been moved to Whitby.  We are very grateful to Fr Sellers for offering this Mass since January 2023.

In its place will be a Mass at the church of St Mary and St Romuald in Yarm.  This will take place at 2pm on Sundays, starting on 4th August.  It will be offered by Fr David Smith, who used to say Latin Masses at Catterick Garrison.

The Church of St Mary and St Romuald is an interesting one, designed by George Goldie, the architect that designed st Wilfrid's in York.  Here is a picture.

We are, of course grateful to Fr Smith for making this provision.  We are also grateful to Bishop Drainey, who has made this arrangement to ensure that Latin Masses continue in the northern part of the diocese.

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