We desperately need more servers for the Masses we have in the Middlesbrough Diocese. Hopefully, we will soon have many more Masses, but this will not be possible without servers who know the Latin responses and are familiar with the rubrics.
It is proposed to have some training sessions, and, I have in mind 7.00pm on Sundays prior to Compline at St Mary's, Bishophill Junior in York. I would like to propose that the first one is on Sunday 7th October, but this is dependent on having some men (preferably young) who want to learn. Anyone interested should ring Paul Waddington on 01757 638027.
Lent I
1 day ago
1 comment:
Warm greetings in the True Christmas Spirit!
I hope all is well, you seem very knowledgeable. I read through your blogs--very sharp indeed! Do you have a Doctorate in Divinity or Philosophy?
Anyhow, I was wondering if you could give some priceless advice. I am thinking of buying a some good old Catholic theology books for some family members and loved ones, and well, I recently received an advertisement for this very interesting book called "Communicatio in Sacris: The Roman Catholic Church against Intercommunion of non-Catholics" by Mr. William J. DeTucci.
I was wondering if you have seen any book review on this book? I could not find anything on the author. It seems the book talks about the Role of Vatican II in the Modern World and how some Traditionalists have resisted many of the Modernistic teachings of Ecumenism, Religious Liberty, and the New Mass, as opposed to the old Latin Tridentine Mass. However, I also recently read Benedict XVI's Motu Proprio (www.vatican.va), which seems to be give the Liberty of "Open Communion" to so-called Traditional Catholic Groups who dissent from Vatican II, i.e. Marcel Lefebvre's SSPX, Mark Pivarunas' CMRI, Clarence Kelly's SSPV, Br. Michael Dimond's Most Holy Family Monastery, the various Saint Benedict Centers, Jason Spadafore's Raphael Society, Patrick Taylor's Society of the Virgin Mary, and so many other Independent Bishops at Large)--all who promote Intercommunion Latin Mass Ritual, of course! I think the Spirit of Vatican II is really being recognized now by many of the Traditionalists who once followed Bishop Lefebvre in resisting Vatican II Conciliar Reforms, since the Motu Proprio Latin Mass Ecumenism has promoted this and has been "well received" by many of these various Traditionalists Sects and also by many Liberal Bishops who offer both the Latin Mass and Ecumenical Modern Liturgies.
However, breaking the rule of judging a book by its cover, and only peaking its table of contents, it seems to me this book is an itchy reaction to this Neo-Ecumenism that both Greek and Latin Churches have been involved with. Not sure if you have read the book, or know of some theologian who has written a review? Here is the link to the contents that I browsed:
and also here:
I would most greatly appreciate any book review that you or a theologian has done. This books seems to have positive merit in as much it claims to be "a Compendium of Roman Catholic Doctrine on the subject of Intercommunion with non-Catholics. This book produces the overwhelming theological consensus for the Dogmatic Teaching condemning Intercommunion with non-Catholics, putting together a treasury of Sacred Scriptures, Church Fathers, Doctors, Saints, Theologians, and Popes who have written on the matter."
However, I just wanted to verify that before I make my last minute shopping for this Christmas & New Year Season.
May God bless you all!
Kind regards,
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