Not too drastic though, as it's still Gregorian Chant!
Having over -sung the Missa Orbis Factor in recent times, I've decided to give our little Schola something else to sing this weekend. As it's Quinquagesima, I've discounted Missa de Angelis as it's far too festal in nature [in my opinion anyway!]., and it also overdone, more so than Orbis Factor. I've come across people - who ought to know much better - who think it's the only chant Mass there is, as it's the only one 'they know'!
I'll refrain from naming names here though.... ;-)
Also discounted for this Sunday is the Mass for Sundays in Advent and Lent, as we're not in Lent yet...
So, what Mass to sing? Answer: Mass IV, or to give it its proper title, Cunctipotens Genitor Deus. I heard this sung for the first time in nearly 20 years by the wonderful monks of the Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem over in West Yorkshire on the Sunday after Christmas. quite frankly it's stunning, so that's what we're going to do, minus the Gloria of course, as it's Septuagesima Season.
For those of you able to come along to English Martyrs' Church this Sunday evening, we are also going to sing the Propers, Credo I [not III, again most people I know seem to think that Credo III is the only one that exists. Credo I is actually the setting that should be used most Sundays. There are, to my knowledge, 7 - yes, seven, chant Creeds!] the Ave Maria, Anima Christi and the solemn setting of the Ave Regina Coelorum.
We still don't have a regular organist. Please let me know either via the Rudgate or Middlesbrough LMS links on the right if you can/would like to play or know of someone who could. We would be most grateful. Whilst on the subject of volunteers, if there are any Tenors or Altos reading this who fancy singing, then again I should be grateful if you could get in touch via the aforementioned links.
Many thanks,
Fat Tuesday: for Catholic Answers
21 hours ago
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