The purpose of this blog is to provide an open forum for discussion of the aims of the society; news from the wider Church and details of Masses and events of interest in the diocese. The Latin Mass Society in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Middlesbrough expresses its full filial devotion and loyalty to Holy Mother Church, Pope Francis and Bishop Drainey.


12 Noon. Every Sunday Missa Cantata
York Oratory (
Church of St Wilfrid)
Duncombe Place, York. YO1 7EF

8:15am Monday-Friday
9:15am Saturday

Feast Days (as advertised) usually at 6pm.

Church of St Mary & St Romuald, High Street, Yarm. TS15 9AA

2pm Sunday.

Church of Our Lady of Lourdes and St Peter Chanel
119 Cottingham Road, Hull. HU5 2DH
7.30pm Every Thursday. Low Mass.


4pm. Every Sunday
York Oratory (
Church of St Wilfrid)
Duncombe Place, York. YO1 7EF

Compline and Vespers (as advertised)
(see link to the Rudgate Singers Calendar below)

01 March 2013

Sede Vacante

Now that His Holiness the Pope Emeritus is safely at Castel Gandolfo, I am sure that all our readers would like to wish him a long, peaceful and happy retirement.  Many posts are being made on the internet and elsewhere that review the achievements and disappointments of his papacy.  Some include pictures of Benedict XVI at important occasions duting the last eight years.

The thing that has struck me about all these pictures is that, without exception, they show a smiling pope.  It seems that, despite all the difficulties that he has had to endure,  Benedict remained cheerful and serene throughout.  I, for one, would be very happy if this is how he is remembered.

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