It is well worth while visiting the American website of the Institute of Christ the King to see how the traditional movement is thriving that side of the Atlantic. The Institute has twelve churches in the USA, and most of these are large impressive buildings. In fact, many of them are so large that they had been shut down on the grounds that they were too expensive to maintain. Under new management these churches are prospering.
The centre of operations is the State of Illinois, where the Institute has three churches. In Chicago is the very large shrine church which is the headquarters of the American operation. Before the Institute took over, it had been closed for many years and became burnt out as the result of a mysterious fire. Now it is gradually being restored. Also in Illinois, there are churches in Cahokia and Rockford.
Not far away in the State of Missouri, the Institute has Churches at St Louis and Kansas City. The Church of St Francis in St Louis is especially impressive with a very high spire. That at Kansas City was also taken over as a burnt out shell, and has undergone complete restoration.
There are three churches in the State of Wisconsin, located at Milwalkie, Green Bay and Wassau. Towards the West Coast there are churches at San Jose and Oakland in California, and on the East Coast, there is a church at West Orange in New Jersey.
Currently, a convent is being established in St Louis by the associated order of nuns, the Sister Adorers of the Royal Heart of Jesus.
Lent I
2 days ago
The Sister Adorers of the Royal Heart were in Saint Louis from August 2009, to Spring of 2010, but now the American foundation is postponed. The female branch of ICKSP stays in 3 convents: the mother house in Italy (near Florence), an other in Switzerland and the last in Germany. But there are many vocations from USA, thanks God, and in the future a new american foundation is predictable.
I'm so lucky because I know these angelic nuns, by the 25 present now, 6 are from USA, and their numer is growing with many postulants at this moment! God bless them!
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