I’m including everything we’re involved in without exception, be it full choir, reduced numbers, Schola Cantorum, or other services at which individual members will be present!
Here’s the list.
28/10/2007 20.00 St Mary’s Church, Bishophill, York
Compline. Preceded by Server Training at 7pm.
01/11/2007 19.00
Solemn Mass for the Feast of All Saints.
Contact me via our website if you wish to go, as it's a 'Private Mass' :-)
02/11/2007 20.00 St Chad's Church, Manchester
Solemn Requiem Mass [Victoria a 4]
03/11/2007 18.30 St Mary's Church, Bishophill, York
Vespers of the BVM followed by a rehearsal for Sunday's Mass.
04/11/2007 18.00 English Martyrs' Church, York
Solemn Mass for the 23rd Sunday after Pentecost
11/11/2007 15.30 St Mary's Church, Bishophill, York
Vespers of the BVM
17/11/2007 14.00 Holy Souls' Church, Scunthorpe
Solemn High Mass for the Feast of St Hugh of Lincoln [Victoria Mass + Motet O Quam Gloriosum. Byrd, Sacerdotes Domini]
18/11/2007 18.00 English Martyrs’ Church, York
Solemn Mass for the 25th Sunday after Pentecost
25/11/2007 20.00 St Mary’s Church, Bishophill, York
We could still do with singers for the Masses in York. We also need an Organist as a matter of urgency, now that the Masses are increasing.
Should anyone wish to sing or play please let me know via the comments section or via http://www.rudgatesingers.co.uk/
Lent I
1 day ago
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