From Fr Michal Brown's Blog, Forest Murmurs
I`m delighted to be able to give the details of the forthcoming Study Day at Ushaw on October 24th as mentioned before on this blog. As I understand it this is for priests. I`m really sorry I won`t be able to make it myself. However, here are the details as I have received them.
Summorum Pontificum
A Study Day at Ushaw College, Durham,
on the motu proprio ofPope Benedict XVI.
Wednesday 24th October.
10.00 am: Opening prayer.
10.00 am to 11.15 am: Rev Dr. Alcuin Reid : An introduction to & study of the motu proprio.
11.15 – 11.30: Coffee break.
11.30 am to 12.30 pm: Questions & discussion on the motu proprio.
12.30 pm: Informal Lunch in the college dining room (general mingling and conversation).
1.15 pm to 2.30 pm: Fr John Emerson, FSSP, on the traditional priestly orders (and the co-existence of both forms in a parish?).
2.30 pm to 3.00 pm: Ian Graham, Founder of the Schola Gregoriana of Northumbria on singing the Mass (and to be a LMS diocesan contact on music for priests).
3.00 pm to 3.10 pm: Coffee break.
3.10 pm to 3.25 pm: Leo Darroch, Secretary of the International Federation Una Voce (giving a brief update on the situation around the world).
3.25 pm to 4.00 pm: Open Forum Questions on the events of the day to all participants and making arrangements with any priests who would like further contact.
4.00 pm Closing prayer.
Please note that names are required by 7th October at the latest for booking arrangements.
A donation of £10 to assist with expenses would be appreciated.
orRichard Rainbow, LMS Diocesan Representative:
richard.rainbow@btinternet.com27 St. Paul’s Gardens, Whitley Bay, Tyne and Wear, NE25 8RG.
Lent I
1 day ago
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