Paix Liturgique have engaged Harris Interactive (a very respected polling organisation) to conduct an opinion poll in Germany. Here are some of the results.
The following question was put to practising Catholics:
If Mass were celebrated in the Extraordinary Form in YOUR parish, would you attend:
Weekly 25%
Monthly 19%
Holy Days 9%
Occasionally 40%
Never 7%
These are truely remarkable figures. 93% of practicing catholics would apparently attend the older rite at least occasionally. 44% at least monthly.
Another question asked;
Are you aware of the provisions of Summorum Pontificum?
Yes 43.1%
No 56.9%
I presume that these replies relate only to practising Catholics. If this is the case, it comes as no surprise to me. If the same question was put to practising Catholics in England, I doubt whether 10% would be able to answer yes.
There is a fuller report on this survey on the blog, Rorate Caeli.
Fat Tuesday: for Catholic Answers
1 day ago
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