In the Diocese of Leeds, which is the diocese where I live, it has been decided that there will only be one coach per deanary travelling to Cofton Park for the beatification of John Hehry Newman. It seems that the same policy is being adopted in the Middlesbrough Diocese.
If the same policy is adopted throughout England and Wales, by my calculation, the number of faithful permitted to attend the ticket only beatification will be limited to about 15,000.
Originally, it was estimated that 400,000 would wish to attend, although Coventry Airport, the location proposed originally, could only accommodate 200,000. When it was discovered that Coventry had not been booked, it was leaked that the organisers were considering holding the event at Oscott College which could only hold 10,000. After a storm of protest Cofton Park, which was said to be able to accommodate 80,000, was booked. Now it looks as if the number of the faithful allowed to attend the ticket only event will be limited to about 15,000.
What is going on?
Fat Tuesday: for Catholic Answers
1 day ago