05 December 2011
Sunday 25th December Christmas Day
Unfortunately, Fr Callaghan is unable to be with us on Christmas Day, so please note that there will be
Masses will resume in York on Sunday 8th January 2012.
25 November 2011
Services this weekend
In addition to the Masses published in the previous post, the following services will also take place.
Saturday 26th November, 9pm. Ad Completorium (Compline) by candlelight.
Sunday 27th November, 6.30pm. Vespers for the First Sunday of Advent.
Both of these will take place at the church of St Mary, Bishophill Junior, York YO1 6EN
Masses on Sunday 27th November
4pm English Martyrs, Dalton Terrace, York. YO24 4DA
6pm St Alphonsus, North Ormesby, Middlesbrough. TS3 6EW
19 November 2011
Services this weekend
Compline by Candlelight
St Mary's Church, Bishophill Junior, York
Sunday 20th November 6pm
Low Mass. 23rd Sunday after Pentecost.
St Alphonsus' Church, North Ormesby
Sunday 20th November 6.30pm
Vespers for the 23rd Sunday after Pentecost
St Mary's Church, Bishophill Junior, York
05 November 2011
Sunday 13th November
There will be a Low Mass at the Church of the English Martyrs in York at 4pm on Sunday 13th November. Fr Maughan will be the celebrant.
The attendance at the last York Mass, celebrated by Fr James Callaghan OSB on 23rd October, was good with a very respectable collection. We need to keep this up, so please come if you can and encourage others to do the same.
26 October 2011
Remembrance Day. 11th November
Remembrance Day. Friday 11th November, 2011. 7pm.
Vespers of the Faithful Departed.
In commemoration of all those who gave their lives in the two World Wars and other conflicts.
Gregorian Chant sung by The Schola of the RUDGATE SINGERS.
14 October 2011
Congratulations to David Aron
The purpose was to raise money for the Good Council Network, a London based charity that councils girls that considering an abortion. It is not too late to sponsor David. The easiest way is to go to
12 October 2011
More on Masses in York
Secondly, the full address is:
10 October 2011
Resumption of Masses in York
Fr Stephen Maughan will be the celebrant on the fourth Sunday and Fr James Callaghan OSB of Ampleforth Abbey will celebrate on the second Sunday. Since both these priests will have to travel a considerable distance, it would be nice to have a large congregation. Please pass the word on to anyone that you think may be interested.
05 October 2011
News from the Leeds Diocese
Sunday 9th October
04 October 2011
Mass in Middlesbrough
The next Latin Mass in Middlesbrough will be on Sunday October 16th at 6.00pm and thereafter weekly.
29 September 2011
Services for October in York
Sunday 02/10/2011 6.30pm. Vespers for the 16th Sunday after Pentecost.
FRIDAY 07/10/2011 7pm. BVM of the Rosary. Vespers.
Saturday 08/10/2011 9pm. Compline by Candlelight.
Sunday 09/10/2011 6.30pm. Vespers for the 17th Sunday after Pentecost.
Saturday 15/10/2011 9pm. Compline by Candlelight.
Sunday 16/10/2011 6.30pm. Vespers for the 18th Sunday after Pentecost.
Saturday 22/10/2011 9pm. Compline by Candlelight.
Sunday 23/10/2011 6.30pm. Vespers for the 19th Sunday after Pentecost.
Sunday 30/10/2011 6.30pm. Vespers for the Feast of OLJC the King, followed by Compline.
All services take place at the Church of St. Mary, Bishophill Junior York YO1 6EN.
The times of Sunday Vespers may possibly change depending on whether occasional Sunday Masses are resumed next month.
23 September 2011
Mass in York
14 September 2011
The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Today is also of special significance to the traditional movement within the Church, because an important meeting is taking place between Bishop Fellay of the SSPX and Cardinal Lavada of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. There is speculation amongst some journalists and Vatican watchers that this meeting could be the start of the resolution of the differences between the SSPX and the Magisterium of the Church. Let us hope that this is the case.
13 September 2011
ROME-SSPX Talks 14 September 2011
Please pray for a satisfactory outcome for Bishop Fellay's meeting in Rome today, 14 September 2011 - Feast of the Holy Cross. Please pray that the Holy See may be generous in any offer that it may make to the Society of St Pius X and please pray that in its turn the SSPX will respond generously to any offer that may be made to it. The contribution the Society can make to both the Church and the cause of Tradition will produce greater fruit if its canonical situation is regularised. This does not mean selling out on its principles but, whilst maintaining true to tradition, taking its rightful place within the Church community. Lest any should have any doubts about this let our Holy Father, Pope Benedict, have the last word:
"Can it be completely mistaken to work to break down obstinacy and narrowness, and to make space for what is positive and retrievable for the whole? I myself saw, in the years after 1988, how the return of communities which had been separated from Rome changed their interior attitudes; I saw how returning to the bigger and broader Church enabled them to move beyond one-sided positions and broke down rigidity so that positive energies could emerge for the whole. Can we be totally indifferent about a community which has 491 priests, 215 seminarians, 6 seminaries, 88 schools, 2 university-level institutes, 117 religious brothers, 164 religious sisters and thousands of lay faithful? Should we casually let them drift farther from the Church? I think for example of the 491 priests. We cannot know how mixed their motives may be. All the same, I do not think that they would have chosen the priesthood if, alongside various distorted and unhealthy elements, they did not have a love for Christ and a desire to proclaim him and, with him, the living God. Can we simply exclude them, as representatives of a radical fringe, from our pursuit of reconciliation and unity? What would then become of them?
Certainly, for some time now, and once again on this specific occasion, we have heard from some representatives of that community many unpleasant things – arrogance and presumptuousness, an obsession with one-sided positions, etc. Yet to tell the truth, I must add that I have also received a number of touching testimonials of gratitude which clearly showed an openness of heart. But should not the great Church also allow herself to be generous in the knowledge of her great breadth, in the knowledge of the promise made to her? Should not we, as good educators, also be capable of overlooking various faults and making every effort to open up broader vistas? And should we not admit that some unpleasant things have also emerged in Church circles? At times one gets the impression that our society needs to have at least one group to which no tolerance may be shown; which one can easily attack and hate. And should someone dare to approach them – in this case the Pope – he too loses any right to tolerance; he too can be treated hatefully, without misgiving or restraint."
10 September 2011
Fr William Charlton
News has filtered down that Fr Charlton will be leaving Middlesbrough later this month to be part of a newly formed community of Benedictine monks in France. We wish Fr Charlton and the new community every success.
Some had feared that this move would bring about the end of Latin Masses in Middlesbrough. I am pleased to be able to confirm that the Middlesbrough Sunday evening Masses will continue. The celebrant will be Mgr John Heslin, a retired priest of the Birmingham Archdiocese living in Saltburn. He used to celebrate First Friday Masses at the Church of St Clare in Middlesbrough.
I hope that Mgr Heslin's Masses will be well supported.
09 September 2011
Sung Vespers in York This Sunday
Will be sung by the Rudgate Singers at St Mary's, Bishophill Junior at 6.30pm this coming Sunday, 11th September. Please do join us.
location map for St Mary's can be found at their website
31 August 2011
Walsingham Pilgrimage
Over 30 young and not so young people walked the whole distance over three days. They prayed the rosary and sang hymns much of the time, and there were opportunities for confessions to be heard by Fr Rowe along the way.
It was a great occasion and even the rather wet, and sometimes stormy, weather did not dampen the spirits of the pilgrims. There was a sung Mass each day. On the Friday it was at 6am in the church of St Etheldreda before setting off from Ely, and on the Saturday, it was in in the chapel of Oxborough Hall. The Sunday Mass was at the shrine in Walsingham, and the walking pilgrims were joined by others who had travelled there by coach or car.
For me the high point was walking the Holy Mile into the village of Little Walsingham. Many, but not me, did this bearfoot. We carried a processional cross, and sang the Rosary and a Litany as we walked. The musical setting of the Ave Maria was new to me, and is apparently the one used on the Paris to Chartres pilgrimage. I found it very attractive and suitable for the occasion. People certainly joined in well.
The procession took us to the grounds of the former abbey which is the site of the original shrine.
Plans are now being made for next year, when we expect to have a bigger and better pilgrimage.
29 August 2011
Rudgate Singers: Services for September
Sunday 04/09 6:30pm - St Mary's Bishophill Junior, York
Vespers for the 12th Sunday after Pentecost
Saturday 10/09. 12:00pm Brinkburn Priory, Northumberland.
The Annual Solemn High Mass
Saturday 10/09: 9:00pm - St Mary's Bishophill Junior, York
Compline by Candlelight
Sunday 11/09. 6:30pm - St Mary's Bishophill Junior
Vespers for the 13th Sunday after Pentecost
Saturday 24/09. 9:00pm - St Mary's Bishophill Junior
Compline by Candlelight
Sunday 25/09. 6:30pm - St Mary's Bishophill Junior
Vespers for the 15th Sunday after Pentecost
Note: NO Chant SERVICES the weekend of 17/18th September in York, as I shall be down in Oxford singing for the Ordination to the Sacred Priesthood of fr. Lawrence Lew OP.
24 August 2011
World Youth Day and the BBC
I estimate that 95% of the coverage was about the relatively small demonstration by illinformed people protersing at the visit. Of the remaining 5%, much of it was devoted to a freak gust of wind that blew off Pope Benedict's skull cap.
If, like me you think that the coverage was outrageously biassed, then I would urge you to make a formal complaint. It is very easily done on line at:
Whilst at it, please encourage others to do the same.
19 August 2011
The Restoration of Catholic Practices
Here is a list, mostly taken from Fr Blake's blog:
Friday abstinence,
Fast days,
Corpus Christi and Marian Processions,
The religious life,
Kneeling in church,
Reception of Holy Communion on the tongue,
Unlocked churches,
Plain chant,
The Rosary,
The Angelus,
Holy water,
Crucifixes in the home,
Blessing oneself with holy water when entering a church,
Making the sign of the cross when passing a church.
What prompted this discussion was the welcome proposal of the bishops of England and Wales to re-introduce Friday abstinence. The list suggests plenty more customs and practices that could be revived.
29 July 2011
Masses in York
There will be Sunday Masses on 21st and 28th August, but after that the routine will change. Fr Maughan is moving to the northern part of the diocese, where he will be parish priest at Loftus, Brotton and Staithes.
Bishop Drainey is keen that the usus antiquior Masses in York continue, and he has asked Fr Maughan to travel to York on one Sunday each month to celebrate this Mass. As things are planned at present this will be the last Sunday of the month. I understand that Bishop Drainey is seeking further provision, but I have no information about this yet. Any news will be posted as it becomes available.
Although covering a large geographical ares, the Diocese of Middlesbrough is relatively small in terms of Catholic population and the number of parishes. It is also a diocese where the shortage of priests is particularly accute. As a consequence, many of the priests that we do have, are doing more than one job.
In these circumstances, it is difficult for the bishop to find priests who is able and willing to celebrate Mass in the usus antiquior.
Bishop Drainey has asked us to pray for priestly vocations. Please do so, because an influx of new priests is desperately needed.
07 July 2011
Gregorian Chant Workshop
Gregorian Chant Workshop.
Saturday 9th July. 2.30pm-6.30pm
Church of St. Mary
Bishophill Junior,
In this half-day workshop, in the oldest church in the City of York, we will learn and sing some of the most beautiful hymns, antiphons & psalms in the repertory of Gregorian Chant. We will immerse ourselves in the history, sound, technique and language of this ancient musical style, working toward an authentic and beautiful performance of Compline [The Night Office] at the end of the day.
All materials (scores and helpful resources) are included in the cost of the day. Beginners and more advanced singers are welcome. Registration Fee: £6.50 – £5.00 for Students. It would be helpful if you could register in advance, as this will give us an idea how music & other source materials to prepare!
To register please contact us at mike.4b@ntlworld.com or telephone (01904) 341853.
06 July 2011
Children singing Plainchant
29 June 2011
Change of time of Mass
24 June 2011
Feast of Saint Peter and Saint Paul
It is also the sixtieth anniversary of the priestly ordination of Pope Benedict XVI. We should use this occasion to say a prayer or two for the intentions of the Holy Father, who has an exceptionally difficult job steering the Church in troubled times.
Father Stephen Maughan
Nothing has been said officially, but it is rumoured that Bishop Drainey wants the usus antiquior Masses in York to continue. It is probable that Fr Maughan will visit York on at least one Sunday each mouth and that some other provision will be made on the other Sundays. We must be grateful to Bishop Drainey for his concern for the followers of the traditional Mass.
20 June 2011
Corpus Christi
11 June 2011
York Masses on Holy Days
Thursday 23rd June Corpus Christi
Wednesday 29th June St Peter & St Paul
Therse two Masse really will take place, unlike on the feast of the Ascension, when Fr Maughan was in Lourdes.
There will be a short procession after Mass of Corpus Christi.
08 June 2011
It is up to You
These documents cover many areas, and one could spend a long time studying them. However, I would like to single out Article 5.1 of Summorum Pontificum. This is the bit that states that any stable group of the faithful is entitled to ask their "pastor" (parish priest of equivalent)for provision of the Mass and the other sacraments in the usus antiquior. Universae Ecclesiae explains that the group can be small and members need not necessarily come from the same parish, or indeed diocese.
So any group of people, five would be sufficient, who are stable (ie not here today and gone tomorrow) is perfectly entitled to ask their priest for provision of Mass in the older form. He should do his best to to satisfy the request in a reasonable fashion. This may be with a differenr priest as celebrant, or in a neighbouring parish. The point is that all reasonable possibilities should be explored.
If, after exploring the possibilities, the priest cannot find a way of satisfying the request, or it is felt that the priest has not taken the request sufficiently seriously, the applicants have the right to refer the matter to the bishop of the diocese. It then becomes his duty to attempt to resolve the matter. If this fails, the matter can be referred to Rome. So that there can be no dispute, it would be wise for the original request and all subsequent correspondence, to be in writing, and contain the names of all the applicants.
Summorum Pontificum is remarkable in the degree to which it delegates power to the laity. In matters concerning the older rites, the laity are empowered to set the ball rolling, and the clergy, even possibly the episcopy, are required to respond. Where reasonably practical, they must at least attempt to deliver the goods.
People often say that there is no point in asking their parish priest, because he is "so against it". In fact it is important that the question is asked, regardless of the expected answer, because the very asking is an important part of the procedure laid down by Summorum Pontificum. All bishops have recently had to send a report to Rome dealing with the reception of summorum pontificum in their diocese. One of the points that they will, no doubt, have remarked on is the number of requests that were received during the three year period.
This is why I say that it is up to you. If you don't ask you don't get. It you take the trouble to make a request, something should happen. You will notice that I have used the words "reasonably practical" and "reasonably possible" several times. We have to accept that many priests have never learned any Latin in their life, and may find the language very difficult. There may be other priests who, although they may be able to cope with the Latin, are so set in their ways that they cannot bring themselves to learn something new.
On the other hand, as Father Henry says, there are priests about that are very willing and able to say Mass in the usus antiquior. There are more than 100 who have attended the Priests' Training Conferences put on by the Latin Mass Society. There are many others who have taught themselves. In most cases, these priests would be delighted to be asked.
13 May 2011
Universae Ecclesiae
1. There is no minimum size for a stable group of the faithful asking for a traditional Mass, and its members do not have to come a single parish or, indeed, diocese.
2. No priest visiting a church, oratory or place of pilgrimage who has the correct credentials can be refused the right to celebrate Mass in the older form.
3. Priests do not have to be fluent or expert in Latin to celebrate the older rite. They are only required to be able to pronounce the words correctly, and understand what they are saying.
Clause 28 of the document will probably produce the most debate, and turn out to be the most important one. Although it is dangerous to paraphrase a legal document, I shall try to do so. Broadly, it states that summorum pontificum derogates all provisions of Church law promulgated after 1962 which are connected with sacred Rites and which are incompatible with the 1962 liturgy.
If my interpretation is correct, this means that liturgical innovations introduced after 1962 cannot be applied to the usus antiquior. It would seem to imply that practices such as Communion on the hand, the use of extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist and female altar servers are definitely ruled out for the extraordinary form. It would be useful if a canon lawyer would give a considered opinion on these matters.
Another subject touched upon is is the teaching of the usus in seminaries. Clause 21 states:-
Ordinaries are asked to offer their clergy the possibility of acquiring adequate preparation for celebrations in the forma extraordinaria. This applies to seminaries, where future priests should be given proper formation, including the study of Latin, and where pastoral needs suggest it, the opportunity to learn the the forma extraordinaria of the Roman Rite.
11 May 2011
Walking to Walsingham
Overnight accommodation will be provided in campsites and village halls, and there will be support vehicles to transport pilgrims' luggage. Bottled water and evening meals will be provide, but pilgrims are asked to bring with them food to eat during the day.
Pilgrims are asked to gather in Ely, the home town of St Etheldreda, on the Thursday evening, and there will be Mass early on Friday morning. Mass on the Saturday will be in the chapel of Oxborough Hall, a 15th century mansion which has been in continuous Catholic ownership since the Reformation. On Sunday, the walkers will be joined for Mass at the Shrine of Walsingham by other pilgrims travelling by coach and private car. Finally, pilgrims will walk the Holy Mile into the village of Little Walsingham.
To book into the walking pilgrimage, go to the website of the Latin Mass Society.
02 May 2011
Compline by Candlelight during May
Saturday 7th May
Saturday 14th May
Saturday 21st May
All at the church of St. Mary, Bishophill Junior, York (York's oldest church), commencing at 9pm.
The Rudgate Singers' 15th Anniversary Mass
What we believed would be a one-off occasion (or annual at best) clearly didn't turn out to be the case, and we now approach our 15th Anniversary!
The 15th anniversary Mass will take place at St. Joseph's Church, Newby, Scarborough (YO12 6HT if you have satnav) on 18th June, 2011 at 3pm, and will, once again include the Missa Papae Marcelli. Other music is as follows:
Aichinger: Factus est repente
Tallis: Loquebantur variis linguis
Lotti: Regina Caeli
as well as the full Chant Proper of the Mass of Whit Saturday from the Graduale Romanum.
Fr. Stephen Maughan, who celebrated the historic Mass in York Minster earlier this year, has kindly agreed to be the Celebrant, for what we hope will be another special occasion.
Please do put the date in your diaries.
Young Catholic Adults National Weekend.
Anyway, late or not, I'm more than happy to promote this here, although I'm a little on the old side, unless it applies to youths of all ages. ;-)
During the weekend of the 9-11 September 2011 Young Catholic Adults will be running a weekend at Douai Abbey, it will be led by Juventutem Ecclesiastical Assistant Fr de Malleray . The weekend will be full-board.
* YCA will have half of the retreat centre to itself
* There will be a Marian Procession, Rosaries, Sung Mass, Low Mass, Confession and socials
* Fr. de Malleray FSSP head of Juventutem will preach the retreat, Masses will be in the Extraordinary form
Prices range from £5 to £51 per person per night . There are 3 options
Friday , registration from 4pm, to Sunday 11th September (full board)* or
Arrive Saturday morning till Sunday or day only
51 pounds full-board PER PERSON PER NIGHT
25 pounds for students/low waged/unwaged (or whatever you can afford) PER PERSON PER NIGHT
£35 PER PERSON PER NIGHT (full board). Self catering £25 per person per night (reductions for students:- or whatever you can afford) .
£5 PER PERSON PER NIGHT (or whatever you can afford - please bring your own tent and food ).
If you would like lunch on Sunday 11th then it will be an extra £7 each.
How to book - limited places so please reserve your place early
To reserve your place FOR THE WEEKEND (no deposit needed if you are coming for the day on Saturday), please contact the Guestmaster direct and send a 20 pound deposit (NON RETURNABLE) to Brother Christopher Greener OSB, Douai Abbey, Upper Woolhampton, Reading, Berks. RG7 5TQ (please make any cheques payable to Douai Abbey). Please mention how long you wish to stay and any special diet.
For general enquiries about the weekend:- or any queries about the accommodation/location/lifts required please ring Damian Barker on 07908105787 or 01452 539503.
For photographs of previous Douai Retreats please see:-
29 April 2011
Episcopal Generosity
What is to be commended in this case is that both Bishop Slattery and the superior of the order of nuns have taken the trouble to consider how this redundant convent can continue to serve the Church. They have come up with the simple solution of offering the buildings to the FSSP, who will now be able to locate a resident priest there.
A few weeks ago, we were able to read a similar story. Bishop Andre Joseph Leonard of Brussels decided to make the conventual Church of St Anne available to the Institute of Christ the King, Sovereign Priest, giving them a fine church in which to establish a traditional Mass centre in one of the capital cities of Europe.
More recently, we have been able to read that Bishop Mark Davies of Shrewsbury is willing to hand over the Church of St Peter and St Paul in New Brighton to the Institute of Christ the King with a view to their setting up a centre for eucharistic adoration. This imposing church with adjacent presbytery occupies a very prominent position on high ground in the Wirral, and was closed in 2008, on the grounds that it was too expensive to maintain. The latest information is that this project is likely to proceed.
Here are three examples of redundant ecclesiastical property being put to good use. Although I would not wish to quote specific cases, I can think of many examples where convents and churches have been closed with no consideration given to finding ways in which they may continue to serve the Church. Let us hope that the example given by these three bishops will be noticed and taken up by church leaders more generally.
07 April 2011
Jubilee of the Holy Father
Pope Benedict has had an exceptionally distinguished career having held the positions of professor of theology at various universities, Archbishop of Munich & Freising, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Dean of the College of Cardinals and Supreme Pontiff. He is also the author of many learned books.
Holydays of Obligation
Thurs 2nd June Ascension of Our Lord.
Thurs 23rd June Corpus Christi
Wed 29th June Ss Peter and Paul
28 March 2011
More on the Mass at York Minster
We did not know how many people would come to York for the pilgrimage in honour of St Margaret Clitherow. We thaught that there would be more than 200, and perhaps up to 500. Although we were unable to count the numbers at Mass in York Minster, we now think that there were around 750. As the choir section of the Minster filled up, vergers were busy bringing in more chairs, increasing the capacity from 500 to about 600. Even this was not enough, and a further 150 had to sit in the nave , where they had no view of the Mass.
The Rudgate Singers sang Byrd's Mass for Five Voices and a schola sang the propers from the Liber Usualis. All reports speak very favourably of the singing. We were very lucky to have an excellent singer in Father Stephen Maughan as the celebrant.
I was especially pleased that the majority of the congregation stayed to take part in the procession through the busy parts of York to the Church of the English Martyrs. The distance of a mile and a half must have been taxing for some. There was a capacity congregation of about 500 for Benediction offered by Father Michael Brown and veneration of the hand of Margaret Clitherow. Again, the Rudgate Singers provided the singing.
16 March 2011
Feast of the Annunciation
04 March 2011
More on York Pilgrimage 26th March

Arrangements for the pilgrimage in honour of St Margaret Clitherow are now well advanced. There will be coaches from London and Leeds, and a party will be travelling by train from London. There is also news of people coming from Oxford, Shrewsbury and Lancashire.
We will need a good crowd to fill York Minster, so please come and encourage others to come. If travelling by car, it may be convenient to uses the Park and Ride service at Askham Bar on the Tadcaster side of York.
The programme is:
1.30pm Missa Cantata York Minster
3pm Procession
4pm Benediction & veneration of the relic English Martyrs Church
Ash Wednesday
English Martyrs, Dalton Treeace, York. 6.30pm
St Alphonsus, North Ormesby, Middlesbrough 7pm
22 February 2011
Pilgrimage in Honour of St Margaret Clitherow Saturday 26th March 2011
A Missa Cantata will be celebrated by Fr Stephen Maughan at the High Altar of York Minster, and this will be followed by a procession to the Church of the English Martyrs in Dalton Terrace where there will be Benediction and veneration of the relic. The procession will pass through The Shambles, where Margaret Clitherow lived, and over Ouse Bridge, the site of her execution. The timings are as follows:-
1.30pm Missa Cantata York Minster
3.00pm Procession
4.00pm Benediction English Martyrs' Church
Use of York Minster has been made possible by kind permission of the Dean and Chapter.
A coach is being laid on for people travelling from Birmingham (contact Matthew Doyle: 0121 533 9049) and also one from Allerton Bywater. Those travelling by car are advised that parking restrictions in York are severe, and may find it more convenient to use the park and ride service from Askham Bar, on the Tadcaster Road, near to the A64. Thirty minutes should be allowed to get from there to the Minster.
16 February 2011
Server Training
The day finished with a Missa Cantata, celebrated by Fr Stephen Maughan, and with music by the Rudgate Singers.
24 January 2011
Saint Margaret Clitherow
The Mass, which is to be celebrated by Fr Stephen Maughan, will be at 1.30pm, probably at the High Altar. It will be followed by a procession which will pass through the Shambles, where there is a permanent shrine to the martyr; and then cross Ouse Bridge, where the saint was put to death. The procession will end at the Bar Convent, where there will be Benediction and veneration of the relic.
This pilgrimmage is expected to attract large numbers, so pilgrims are asked to be in York Minster in plenty of time. Parking can be difficult in York, so visitors are advised to consider using the Park and Ride service.
This pilgrimage has been organised by the Latin Mass Society and has been made possible by the kind permission of the Dean and Chapter of York Minster.
Feast of the Purification
The feast will be celebrated at the church of the English Martyrs in York wit a Mass at 6.30pm.
22 January 2011
Traditionalism in France
In 2009, 15 priests were ordained specifically to for the usus antiquior, and this represents 14% of the total number of priests ordained. This presumably means that the total number of ordinations was around 107.
There are 160 seminarians studying for the priesthood, who are destined to celebrate in the usus antiquior. This is, apparently, 20% of the total, meaning that the total is 800. Paix Liturgique indicate that this percentage is rising and anticipate that it will reach 25%.
The number of places where Mass is celebrated in the usus antiquior has increased by 72, from 132 to 204. This is an increase of 55%, but the period over which this has been achieved is not specified. In addition, the SSPX have 184 Mass centres.
These look impressive figures. Perhaps the major breakthrough that has occurred in France, but is yet to happen in England, is in the Diocese of Frejus Toulon. The seminary of this diocese teaches both forms of the Roman Rite, and encourages students who favour the usus antiquior.
21 January 2011
Yet More News about Ushaw
The trustees are:-
Bishop Seamus Cunningham,
Bishop Terence Brain,
Bishop Terence Drainey,
Bishop John Rawsthorne and
Bishop Mark Davies.
You can sign the petition by going to
11 January 2011
News about Ushaw
Today's edition of the Newcastle Journal carries an interesting article about Ushaw College. It is headed:
The petition, which can be found at:
Whilst this report is cause for much encouragement, the task of putting forward an a viable business plan, and convincing the trustees to accept it, still remains. Many suggestions have been made for the future of Ushaw College and more would be welcome. It does seem to be the case that there is a widespread body of opinion emerging that is determined to see Ushaw saved.