Readers will recall that towards the end of last year the Vatican sent out a questionaire to all the bishops of the world concerning the reception of Pope Benedict's motu proprio, Summorum Pontoficum, in their dioceses and its subsequent implementation. Supposedly, the motu proprio of Pope Francis, Traditionis Custodes, was based on the responses of this questionaire.
Although, the results of the questionaire have never been published, various bits of information have leaked out. According to the American journalist, Diana Montagna, a detailed report was produced and presented to the Pope, but this report was later replaced by a much shorter report which came to different conclusions. It was on this second report that the motu proprio, Traditionis Custodes was based.
More recently, some actual extracts from the bishop's responses have have emerged. These are actual quotations from the responses, but with the name of the bishop redacted. Forty five such comments have been printed in The Remnant, an American Catholic on lone journal. There is the promise that more of the bishops' comments will be revealed.
Readers can find details of these comments made by bishops the website of The Remnant, but I reproduce below one of particular interest. There are many more along similar lines.
"I think it is possible for the two uses, Ordinary and Extraordinary, to coexist. This could be a strength within the Catholic Church." (A Bishop of England, response to question 9)