What a lot of good news there has bee over the weekend.
We read that the usus antiquior is to return to Croatia. Following intervention by the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, it has been announced that Masses will be offered in the usus antiquior at one of the churches in Zagreb. This is a major breakthrough for the predominently Catholic country of Croatia, whose bishops have resisted summorum pontificum up to now.
There will be a weekly Sunday Mass in the cathedral of the Diocese of Marquette. Fr John Boyle of the Southwark Diocese, and on temporary secondment to Marquette, will be one of the regular celebrants. Another will be Bishop Sample, the local ordinary, who hopes to say this Mass about once a month.
Also from the USA, we read that Archbishop Schnurr of Cincinnati has decided that the Church of St Mark in that city will be reopended to serve as a parish dedicated to the traditional liturgy. This is an exceptionally fine church in the Italian renaisance style that closed because the congregation had largely moved away. Apparently, it is in need of expensive restoration, but will provide an ideal setting for the traditional Mass.
The second Ordinariate for former Anglicans to be set up, will be in Australia. It seems that this will follow closely on the heels of the English one expected to be set up in the new year. It is expected that the United States and Canada will follow soon after.
Lent I
5 days ago
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